How to beat the Monday blues

Do you ever get that Monday morning feeling? How about your staff? Many a business that I have visited on that day seems to have a lethargy that lasts until lunchtime and of course by that time 10% of the week is gone! So, a clear and focused Monday morning mind can make all of the difference to your business.

The Complete CAT Council

Codes and licensing is the subject of much debate in the aftermarket. Some argue the industry is mature enough to regulate itself, while others maintain that mandatory garage licensing is the only way forward. This month we ask the CAT Council for their view.

CAT Council: supplier (M-Z) responses

“Garage systems and online catalogues play vital roles in helping aftermarket businesses remain competitive. Garage systems enable workshops to increase their professionalism, productivity and profitability. They allow work to be scheduled efficiently, finances to be closely administered and enable customer relationships to be nurtured.

CAT Council: factor responses

“This industry has definitely been incredibly slow to react and acknowledge the power of the internet. Suppliers are still not looking to use the internet to maximize efficiency in their systems and garages look down […]

CAT Council: supplier (A-M) responses

“As an industry we have to realise our customer base is getting younger and more tech savvy.
From a young age they are used to searching for things online and they use this expertise in their purchasing strategy. My 18 year old daughter will rarely visit a shop to make her purchase but instead looks online to compare price before ordering.


It’s only a few months since CAT last went to have a chat with John Neill, boss of Unipart Automotive. At that time he had already been approached by a private equity firm that wanted to buy a stake in the business. Neill didn’t let on. With the sale gone through, we assess whether Unipart is still tilting the right way.