New EV-focussed government-funded course launched

A new UK Government-funded EV training course will launch next month, targeting local authority officers as they look to expand the public charging network.

Starting from 21 March, the aim is “to help local authority officers rapidly upskill to develop and deliver ambitious tailored local EV infrastructure”, the government said.

The course will cover topics including EVI (electric vehicle infrastructure) technology, users and stakeholders, EVI strategy, EVI procurement, deployment and operations.

It follows the recruitment of around 100 dedicated EV officers across the country “to support chargepoint procurement and aid local authorities in building a skilled workforce to deliver their EV charging projects”. Applications for the course are now open via the Energy Saving Trust website; it is not open to the public.

“The EVI Training course has been invaluable in improving my knowledge and confidence in EVI deployment,” said an officer at Suffolk County Council, one of the 16 local authorities to trial the course.

“The course structure takes the learner through the whole process, from understanding the reasons why it’s needed, to planning, development and installation. The content has been engaging and interactive, and I’m already using what I have learnt on the course in my role at Suffolk County Council.”

Chloe Hampton, training course project manager at Cenex – one of the firms which helped create the scheme – said: “We are thrilled to reach this milestone and open the course to all UK local authorities.

“Equipping this workforce is integral to transitioning to zero-emission transport and timely as LEVI Capital Funding starts to be spent to enable them to roll out local electric vehicle infrastructure effectively.”

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