


The winter can be harsh. Treacherous conditions are rife, and driving in the rain, snow or ice can bring about many accidents. While driver skill plays a part, equipment often plays a bigger role. There’s no point in having the reaction speed of a caffeinated fox when the vehicle’s brakes are shot.

To help explain this to your customers this winter, Pagid is working with garages across the UK to help them give the best care and advice to their customers, whilst also providing upsell opportunities. One such opportunity is for brakes, and ensuring brake pads are up to scratch for those awful winter conditions.

Sludge, dirt and salt, during winter, are not a brake’s best friend. They can all build up inside vital brake parts, affecting performance and corrosion. So, the best friction is required to prevent this from happening, and ensuring brakes work effectively, even in the wet, snow and ice.

Pagid’s first recommendation is to ask customers if they have felt or heard any symptoms that may alert you to worn or damaged brakes. Squeaking, clicking or grinding noises can all point to issues, as would a shuddering or pulling sensation when braking. These are clear signs that brake maintenance (and likely replacement) is in order.

Another opportunity to ensure customers are ready for anything this winter, is to offer to check through customer brake parts as part of a winter check. Looking especially close at the condition across the axle to avoid a potential spin. Ask your customers if they’d like a full brake check when they come in for other work, to help make sure they are as safe and ready for winter elements.

Of course, if new parts are required, always choose the OE-approved braking solutions, such as Pagid. These will ensure that your customers will be best placed to avoid or safely negotiate hazards during the tricky winter conditions. They’re OE-approved for a reason.

With cover for 99% of vehicle makes and models, and have excellent availability, service and support, Pagid delivers the complete braking solution for winter brake parts. Explaining this to your customers will reassure them that Pagid is the best choice for winter braking. For more advice on winter braking, visit www.pagidprofessional.co.uk.

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