Toyota Enhanced Cabin Air Filters




When do cabin filters need changing?

If your customers suffer from asthma, respiratory problems and other allergies, pollutants entering their cabin area can make driving uncomfortable for them.

Toyota cabin filter

Toyota recommends that to maintain fresh air circulating in the cabin successfully, you should inspect and replace, if necessary, the cabin filter every 10,000 miles or 12 months.
When purchasing your service kit for your local Toyota First Trade Centre, we can offer you two options when requesting the cabin filter:

Toyota Genuine Cabin Filters:
Toyota Standard Filter
A filter made of high quality fabric, that removes common air pollutants such as dust, lead, sulphates and exhaust fumes.

Toyota First cabin filter graphic

Toyota Enhanced Cabin Filters
The same material as the Standard with a layer of activated charcoal. This filter can block an additional 25% more major pollutants while also removing unpleasant odours entering the cabin area.

We would recommend that for the small additional cost incurred, fitting an Enhanced Cabin Filter will give your customers a more comfortable driving experience, which will then reflect on the quality of service you have provided.
Contact your local Toyota Trade Centre for more details.

Published by Greg Whitaker

Editor of CAT Magazine and an experienced motoring journalist @GregWhitaker5

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