Unwrap Engagement: Crafting compelling Christmas content


Article sponsored by Impression

‘Tis the season for businesses to make a meaningful connection with their audience. Picture this: a fancy cup of cocoa, a cosy fire and content that not only captures the festive spirit but also makes your audience feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Now, let’s talk about creating holiday content that’s more than just shareable — it’s about sparking engagement and building a relationship based on trust.

1. Heartfelt holiday stories:

‘Tis the season for storytelling, and not the kind that puts your aunt to sleep. We’re talking tales that tug at heartstrings. Share stories about your brand — maybe the epic community event you hosted, the chaotic behind-the-scenes holiday scramble, or those customer success stories that give you all the feels. It’s all about keeping it real, raw and wrapped in authenticity.

2. Visually stunning graphics:

In the sea of holiday visuals, invest time in creating visuals that pop — graphics, illustrations and infographics that scream festive without being too over the top. Splash your brand’s colour palette with holiday vibes, making your visuals stand out. Spread the visual joy across your socials and watch the shares roll in.

3. Interactive advent fun:

Who doesn’t love the excitement of opening an advent calendar? Bring that thrill to your audience. Create digital doors with exclusive discounts, sneak peeks or holiday trivia. It’s like a daily dose of holiday cheer that keeps them coming back for more. Get interactive, get creative and make your brand a festive daily habit.

4. UGC cheer:

Turn your audience into the stars of your holiday show. Launch user-generated content (UGC) campaigns and let your customers steal the spotlight. Encourage them to share photos, videos or stories tied to your products or services. Feature this user-generated magic on your socials or website — it’s the perfect way to showcase the diversity of your community and make everyone feel like they’re part of the holiday party. Top tip: drop a branded holiday hashtag to tie it all together!

5. Lights, camera, engagement:

In 2022, adults spent an average of three hours and two minutes per day watching digital video — that’s almost catching up to TV time! Talk about a digital takeover. Leverage this video mania during the holidays. Create content that’s not just eye-catching but shareable. Behind-the-scenes product demos with a festive twist, or heartfelt brand messages — spread the video love on all social media platforms: YouTube, Instagram, TikTok etc. It’s like unwrapping engagement gold.

This holiday season, consider your content as a gift to your audience. By infusing creativity, emotion, and interactivity into your holiday-themed content, you can foster a stronger connection with your audience and leave a lasting impression that extends beyond the festivities. Leverage the festivities and build on your customer relationships. Because after all, ’tis the season to sleigh the content game and spread some serious holiday cheer!

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