Parts Holding Europe, the holding company of French factor giant Autodistribution among other brands, is planning an IPO following all the usual regulatory approvals.

Besides the 350-branch Autodistribution chain, the firm also has operations in Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain plus a large consumer-facing online presence, due to the acquisition of the Oscaro platform in 2018.

Autodistribution parent to float

In 2020, PHE revenues reached €1.8 billion (+20.2 percent since 2018), its current EBITDA amounted to €204 million (+ 58.9 percent since 2018) and its current EBITDA margin amounted to 11.6 percent.

Stéphane Antiglio, Chief Executive Officer of PHE, notes: “The planned IPO will provide us with the financial flexibility to continue pursuing our superior organic growth and accretive acquisitions strategy, gain market share, and contribute to affordable and sustainable mobility solutions for our customers.”

Published by Greg Whitaker

Editor of CAT Magazine and an experienced motoring journalist @GregWhitaker5

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