Brian Madderson

The Car Wash Association (CWA), who have lobbied extensively on the matter, are delighted that the Government is sticking to its manifesto pledge by committing to create a Single Enforcement Body that is responsible for ensuring employment rights are being respected.

Brian Madderson, CWA Chairman, commented: “After much hard work, we are pleased that the Government has listened to our calls by agreeing to establish a single enforcement body. This body will not just protect workers, it will also help to provide a level playing field for the majority of employers who respect the law. These employers are amongst the biggest losers when unscrupulous businesses exploit workers.

“In these challenging economic times, it is more important than ever that we take action against such behaviour and support responsible businesses to flourish and level-up all areas of the country.

“This decision will build upon the vital work of the Responsible Car Wash Scheme pilot. This is a code of practice that has been developed to set the expected standards. The scheme has had a positive impact in improving issues, such as non-payment of national minimum wage, worker status, health and safety and environmental issues”.

Published by Greg Whitaker

Editor of CAT Magazine and an experienced motoring journalist @GregWhitaker5

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