Criminals still holding Arnold Clark to ransom, says report

Following from December’s hack of the Arnold Clark group, which left car dealers without computer systems and the Autoparts motor factor division without phones for several days, a Sunday newspaper has reported that a criminal organisation is blackmailing the group over the release of customer’s personal data.

The data includes names, addresses, passport and NI numbers from customers that have taken out finance agreements on vehicles according to the Mail on Sunday. The newspaper reported that a hacker gang known as ‘Play’ has released 15gb of  data on the dark web, with a further 467gb to follow if a ransom is not paid. The story also claims that the reporter has had sight of some of the data.

READ: Systems restored following Arnold Clark Autoparts hack

Arnold Clark has not issued a statement on the latest revelations and there is no suggestion that data held by Autoparts has been compromised.

The Glasgow-based company is the latest in a string of attacks on motor trade companies. In late 2022 dealer groups Pendragon and Holdcroft Motor Group reported that they had been victims of large scale malicious damage.

Published by Greg Whitaker

Editor of CAT Magazine and an experienced motoring journalist @GregWhitaker5

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