The IAAF will once again welcome a top list of industry speakers to its annual conference this year, being hosted virtually on Thursday 3rd December to bring the event to as many people in the industry as possible whilst complying with current restrictions.

David Smith to speak at conference

The event will feature keynote speaker David Smith, economics editor of The Sunday Times as well as speakers from GIPA, FIGIEFA, Glen Callum Associates, PG Automotive, BEN and the IAAF.

Smith, who has worked for The Sunday Times for more than 30 years and is an acclaimed published author of several financial books, will be discussing Brexit and its potential impact on distributors and suppliers ahead of the end of the transition period.

The free event, sponsored once again by automotive aftermarket specialist Alliance Automotive Group and PR company Impression Communications, will focus on the impact of COVID and the upcoming implications on the aftermarket from Brexit. The day will feature Q&A sessions concerning the automotive aftermarket in 2021, the impact that the pandemic has had on people and the employment sector and introduces a new category, the ‘Pride of the Aftermarket’ awards.

IAAF members are being invited to nominate exceptional performances of companies and individuals during the COVID-19 crisis. All entries will be shortlisted by a judging panel comprised of a select group from board and council members. Categories include Outstanding Supplier, Outstanding Service Member, Outstanding Distributor, Outstanding Individual and Outstanding Innovation, and will be voted on by IAAF members.

Wendy Williamson, IAAF chief executive said: “Undoubtedly this year’s conference will look very different to previous years, however we have a comprehensive and in-depth agenda that covers all the major topics impacting the automotive aftermarket not to mention a fabulous keynote speaker in David Smith. The whole agenda is designed to be thought-provoking and challenging, giving our members a forum to discuss and consider the industry’s biggest challenges virtually; crucial after so many of us have been unable to meet with our peers for most of 2020.

“David’s impressive career, coupled with his ability to discuss complex economic topics in a relatable and comprehensive way, means he is the perfect keynote speaker to help the IAAF and its members navigate through some potentially tricky legislation and changes ahead of us in the coming year.”

To register for the event or nominate a company or individual for a ‘Pride of the Aftermarket’ award, email or visit

Published by Greg Whitaker

Editor of CAT Magazine and an experienced motoring journalist @GregWhitaker5

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