Not all brake callipers are remanufactured to the same standard’ according to Wrexham-based Brake Engineering. 

In a statement issued to CAT, the firm says that it has seen problems in this category in the market. 

“Not all callipers available in the market today are remanufactured the same” the statement reads. “Several competitor units we have tested are being sold with reclaimed pistons, which could result in component failure or splitting the piston seal”. 

“These callipers also have had mounting holes and castings machined. A machined mounting hole could alter the critical dimensions of the calliper and increase the wear and strain during use. Machined castings could again alter the critical dimensions of the unit, increase the original pad gap and create uneven pad wear, which would result in brake squeal or brake judder”.

The firm also reported that the quality of new-in-box callipers was variable. “Currently, there are also a number of ‘new’ callipers entering the market. We have also tested a number of these callipers being sold on to independent garages. While these products may appear fit for purpose there performance has been found to be severely questionable. While aesthetically they look fine, under closer testing all units were shown to have “porosities” (holes) and oxides in the material and all had partly inhomogeneous microstructures, which could result in weakening of the unit and be extremely dangerous when braking under normal driving conditions” the statement concluded. 

We’ll be following up the company’s assertions in September’s remanufacturing feature. 


Published by Greg Whitaker

Editor of CAT Magazine and an experienced motoring journalist @GregWhitaker5

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  1. made in India, no doubt. The quality of metal components (and cable for that matter) coming from that region currently, is abysmal