Halfords is now offering a contactless garage service for any motorists that are self-isolating and staying indoors. Technicians from Halfords’ Mobile Vans fleet, which includes its Mobile Expert and Tyres On The Drive services, are offering customers the option of having car repairs and fittings done outside their homes or on their drives without coming into contact with anyone.
The motoring services retailer has today set up an option to support customers if they are self-isolating or don’t want to come into contact with anyone.

It means that Tyres on The Drive customers can have their tyres changed and repaired, while Mobile Expert customers can have their car battery replaced, oil changed and windscreen chips repaired amongst other services. In total there are 73 Tyres On The Drive vans and eight Halfords Mobile Expert vans.
After booking online or through a phone call customers will need to ensure their vehicle is parked in a suitable location and pre-agree a safe drop stop for their keys and locking wheel nut. The mobile van technician will then call to confirm the pre-agreed location and then carry out the job. After the service or fitting is complete the customer will receive communication on their phone and can inspect the work, while the technician remains at a safe distance in the van. All technicians wear a new pair of disposable gloves for each individual job.
Karl Baker from Halfords who is responsible for the service says: “By introducing a contact-free fittings and repairs service, we believe we will give customers who are staying indoors or self-isolating the option of still being able to drive when they really need to, while also protecting our technicians.”
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