A conference between managers within the LKQ  Europe took place at Wembley recently with a focus on change management.

Nick Zarcone, CEO LKQ Corp. spoke at the conference

John Quinn, CEO of LKQ Europe, underlined the need for embracing the modern era: “It is clear we can’t assume the coming years will resemble the past because things are changing faster than ever before. We need to anticipate these opportunities and act. We all need to recognise the critical need to adapt and change as there is a massive opportunity for LKQ to actively shape the independent aftermarket for the benefit of our customers, employees and shareholders” he said.

The conference attendees agreed that the key to continued success is putting customers first through helping the customers understand and navigate the changing environment.


Arnd Franz, COO pointed out: “We need to offer our garage customers everything they need for a successful business – service, support, equipment and training on new issues arising from the technology shift. We have to grow LKQ in order to gain the scale effects required to provide our customers with solutions that will allow them to remain competitive. We need to support them with logistic networks that give them flexibility and speed for their customers. We need to equip them with brands and concepts upon which end-customers can rely”.


Nick Zarcone, CEO of parent company LKQ Corporation, focused the executives’ attention on the fact that taking care of the employees will be as crucial as catering to the customers in the future: “We need to attract the best in class talent that embody our values. And we need to help our employees embrace the upcoming change while simultaneously keeping the customer the centre of attention”, he stated.


In the UK, LKQ Europe is best known for Euro Car Parts and its body panels and paints business. On the continent the corporation also owns Sator Group, Rhiag Group, Elit, AutoKelly, and Stahlgruber, as well as a recycling specialist Atracco. It also holds a minority interest in publicly traded Mekonomen which is headquartered in Sweden.

Published by Greg Whitaker

Editor of CAT Magazine and an experienced motoring journalist @GregWhitaker5

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