Two years after the emissions scandal, a new study by Brussels-based  thinktank Transport & Environment (T&E) claims that diesel cars not only pollute the air but also emit more CO2 over their lifetime than petrol cars. A lifecycle analysis of vehicle emissions proves that diesel cars over its lifetime emit 3.65 tonnes of CO2 more than a petrol equivalent.

The group claims that the  higher climate impact is due to a mix of more energy-intensive refining of the diesel fuel; more materials required in the production of heavier and more complex engines; higher emissions from the biodiesel blended in the diesel fuel; and controversially, a claim that derv-powered cars cover a greater mileage ‘because fuel is cheaper’.

Julia Poliscanova from the group said: “The legacy of Dieselgate are the 37 million grossly polluting diesel cars still on Europe’s roads. While some of them will be taken off German roads, these dirty cars will soon end up in Central and Eastern Europe choking citizens there. We need concerted and coordinated action EU-wide to ensure these cars stop belching toxic fumes for another 10-15 years. It is time for the carmakers to take responsibility for their clean up and cash out for the local measures to tackle the urban air pollution crisis they have largely caused.  National vehicle regulators must ensure this happens or the European Commission step in and sort out the mess.”

Published by Greg Whitaker

Editor of CAT Magazine and an experienced motoring journalist @GregWhitaker5

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