Newport-based Spartan has announced that it has joined the IFA buying group.

The factor had previously been a member of the Parts Distribution Partnership (PDP) but was one of five members to leave the group in August.

The move must have come as a blow to the PDP as it has lost five out of twenty-one members  in just a few weeks. It had already lost Panks of Norwich, which rejoined GroupAuto. More significantly, founder members Pat Williams, Partservice and Carspares Factors London left the group on the same day.

While no party has commented on reasons for leaving the PDP, Spartan is delighted to be joining the IFA. “It seems to be a good fit for both us and the IFA” said Lee Gratton, a Director at Spartan. “We’re really looking forward to dealing with some new suppliers who they are aligned with”.

Published by Greg Whitaker

Editor of CAT Magazine and an experienced motoring journalist @GregWhitaker5

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  1. the pdp are not a professional organisation
    bunch of cow boys are in charge
    they want to be a recognised group
    but they need to learn customer service skills before dwelling any further

  2. I feel genuinely sorry for the staff of buying group motor factors. Every year or so changing brands, having to do ANOTHER sales job to the customer about why this brand is the best and the reasons why they changed. They are an unwelcome progression caused primarily to compete with the big nationals and push suppliers for lower and lower net prices and more and more add ons with the promise of some (possibly) short term increase in business.

    The aftermarket really is becoming more and more like Sports Direct in the way it operates; looking after it’s company owners/shareholders at the expense of customers, suppliers and more importantly, staff.

    The caring owners are becoming few and far between.