Marathon Warehouse Distribution has announced a new distribution agreement with OE battery manufacturer GS Yuasa.

Initially Marathon will keep the full range of automotive batteries both in GS four-year warranty and Super Start two-year warranty product lines. The firm plans to stock additional ranges of commercial, marine, garden, leisure and motorcycle batteries in the near future.
The new products will be available for same-day delivery to the vast majority of Marathon’s customers.
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Colin Fisher, Sales & Marketing Director, commented: “We are excited by this new agreement and the opportunity that it creates. Ever developing vehicle technology means that the required range for a factor to stock continues to grow, a distinct change from when a handful of part numbers covered the majority of a motor factor’s sales.
High associated logistics costs mean that direct supply has to be built around minimum orders and pallet quantities, making replenishment orders and maintained availability for a motor factor harder to achieve. Marathon’s superb GS Yuasa stocks and frequent same-day delivery to factors means that customers now have immediate access to a world-class battery brand with no minimum order criteria to meet”.
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