The UK government is to review various block exemption arrangements, including the Motor Vehicle ‘vertical’ agreements before passing them into law.

Block exemption will affect the whole aftermarket

As the UK has now left the EU it does not automatically have to follow the agreements, and can study the wording of any renewed deal at its leisure before choosing to follow them or not.


The EU block exemptions were retained in UK law at the end of the Transition Period, along with their expiry dates. They were amended to function as exemptions from UK competition law.

On or before their expiry date, the Secretary of State may vary, revoke or replace the block exemptions, acting in consultation with the Competition and Markets Authority.

Other than motor vehicle, block exemption agreements cover sectors including technology transfer, shipping consortia and inland waterways transport.

Published by Greg Whitaker

Editor of CAT Magazine and an experienced motoring journalist @GregWhitaker5

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