By: Mark Field, Director, Impression Communications.

The Power of Over-Communicating

Over-communicating relevant content, is the single most important tool you have at your disposal.

I want to be clear on the term ‘over-communicating’. I don’t mean harassing or bombarding people with irrelevant content. I’m saying you need to go further than what you would normally communicate. You have an important message to say and people will want to hear it, so long as it’s relevant.


Tell people as much as possible on as many platforms as possible – including social media, e-mail, website and local press – that you are here to help and how the pandemic has given you chance to reflect and improve your business. You need to remind customers what you do, services you provide, products you sell, brands you hold, even opening times etc…

Putting out important content helps add value to your business. During lockdown, we saw garages running roadworthy advice posts on Facebook, motor factors taking us through the history of their business, and suppliers offering online training to customers through a variety of platforms. Add to this question and answer sessions and you’re starting to see businesses over-communicate.

You need to over-communicate with your customers, employees and suppliers to name but three. The businesses that are going to emerge well from the pandemic long term are the ones that over-communicate to customers.

Quick tip: Positively reinforce your message. Now is the time to build you brand. It’s safe to sell, but you have to be patient. There is an interest in what your brand is doing.

The art of listening

Humility is key. Right now, you’d be far better asking what people think about your business and what they would like to see, more than anything else.

Those that ask for feedback are aware of what their customers think about them, and therefore they have been effective in judging the mood and know what tone the company should strike. It also gives customers an opportunity to share negative criticism that you can use to improve other customers’ experiences.

Inbound vs Outbound marketing
Marketing and communication are all too often one way. It only works if you are fully engaged with your customers and employees.

As you are building your brand right now, post content that encourages customers to feedback.

Let’s say you were thinking about offering a new service or product to customers. Before it was all too easy to launch a new product and service through traditional means, believing it to be relevant.

In building your brand right now, in a very competitive market, customers need to be front and centre if you want them to make an informed decision. This involves demonstrating your expertise and offering solutions, but not being heavy with the sales pitch. I’ll do more on inbound and outbound marketing in the next blog.

Quick tip: Identify the common questions that you are going to be asked when launching something. Invite feedback. These will change on a regular basis.

In conclusion, remember you are the expert in your field. There is so much relevant content you could be posting right now about your business to help customers. Start over-communicating today, start a dialogue with customers online and over social media. It will help shape your business for years to come.

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