Morris Lubricants hire Guy Martin for training videos

A new video series has been released by oil blender Morris Lubricants – designed to provide an insight into how oil is made and the factors that should be considered when choosing a lubricant supplier.

Guy Martin and Adrian Hill

The series of five short videos demonstrates the key areas that should be considered when selecting oils and lubricants, to ensure maximum equipment life and reduced production downtime.

The videos feature Guy Martin, lorry mechanic, motorbike racer, TV presenter, engineering enthusiast and ‘ambassador’ for the oil blender, who is taken through the production process by the Technology Manager Adrian Hill. He demonstrates the key areas that should be considered when selecting oils and lubricants, to ensure maximum fuel efficiency, emission compliance by protecting after treatment devices, improved component longevity and greater reliability.


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“Guy was genuinely interested in the process, spontaneous with his comments and amazed by what goes on behind the scenes,” said Adrian Hill. “He was excited by the prospect of trying something new and enjoyed filling a few barrels, capping them and putting the Morris Lubricants seals in place”.

The videos are on the firm’s website and can also be viewed through its social channels.

Published by Greg Whitaker

Editor of CAT Magazine and an experienced motoring journalist @GregWhitaker5

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